Wait For It!


We wait for Editors to get back to us.

We wait to hear back from publishers.

We wait to get a response from literary agents.

We wait for reviews.

Being a writer truly is a waiting game – and it can be very difficult (especially if you’re like me with very little patience!)

I’d be very interested to hear how other authors deal with waiting whilst they have their work out on submission. For me, I just try to focus on my next writing project, whether it’s my WIP; a greetings card brief or the latest article I’m planning to write on my Blog!

It sure beats checking my e-mails every five minutes (although I confess I am still guilty of this on occasion!)

Making myself write more and read more is the only way to try and distract myself.

The Waiting Game seems to be part and parcel of a writer’s life and I expect whether we like it or not, we have to accept it.

It’s what we do with the intervening period, when we are waiting for the replies to come back, that can help or hinder us.

Right. I’m off to do some more reading and writing – and try not to have another sneaky peek of my In Box!

Julie X

2 thoughts on “Wait For It!

  1. That’s pretty much what I do to — distract myself with other projects. But I have to confess, I leave my email open so I can notice whenever a new message pops up, just in case!

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